Monday, May 6, 2013

My first post

I've finally done it! I have been contemplating starting a blog for a few years now. Not always for the same reasons but the thought has crossed my mind once in a while. So why start now? Well I enjoy writing. Loved writing for women's ministry at New Castle. I can't say I really knew how much I enjoyed writing until then. My main reason for starting the blog now is to keep everyone who is interested informed about me while I proceed through cancer treatments this year. That is probably what I will write about mostly at first, but I do hope to be able to write about other things as they come up. We will have to see where this takes me.

I feel like I'm on an adventure or maybe a long twisting road. I do not know for sure what is around the bend, but I do know that I will never be alone on this journey. My Lord and Savior will always be with me.  Receiving the diagnosis of breast cancer is a scary thing. Having to make the endless decisions about treatment can make even the most decisive question - and I am questioning by nature. But it is through this process that I am learning to lean more and more on God.

The title of the blog comes from a verse in Isaiah. It has been a verse that has meant something to me for as long as I can remember.

"But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31

When I was a girl I first learned the song in an after-school program called Kids Klub. We learned many verses to song and this verse was no different. I didn't think on the verse much then, but as I grew the song stuck with me. Fast forward to me as a young mom trying desperately to get my first born to sleep. I started singing this song to him. It was kind of ironic though because my soul was often far from peaceful. My mind was going in a million different directions trying to prioritize what to do first if only I could get my baby to sleep! It was through those early years as a mother that I started to realize just what patience was and that I needed all the help I could get when it came to it.

Once I was diagnosed with cancer last year this verse took on more meaning to me. As I said I am not the most patient person. OK not even close, but cancer teaches you one thing quickly. And that is waiting. Whether you want to or not you are forced to wait -- Wait for a pathology report. Wait for a doctor's decision on treatment. Wait to get in to just see a doctor. And all the while your brain is screaming that there is not time to sit around and wait. But you must. And I'm learning that it is in the stillness and quietness of waiting that we can learn so much. It is not easy but I am slowly learning to wait for God's timing. To trust Him more and more.

The picture of an eagle soaring on the wind is such a beautiful one. The idea of not growing tired is a wonderful one. But what is my responsibility according to the verse? To wait on God. It sounds deceptively easy. But you know that it is not. So that is where I am at. I'm learning to wait on God. As I take this journey, I will write. I find that writing helps me to really understand what it is I'm learning.  Read what I write if you want. And thanks for all the prayers and caring that have been shown to me and my family so far!

1 comment:

  1. Great name for your blog! That's my Dads favorite verse. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I look forward to reading future posts. Jimella
